Beschermd: Priority Dispatch Codes


  • Protocol 1: Abdominal Pain/Problems
    • 1-D-1 Not alert
    • 1-D-2 Ashen or gray ≥50 years old
    • 1-C-1 Suspected aortic aneurysm (tearing/ripping pain) ≥50 years old
    • 1-C-2 Diagnosed aortic aneurysm
    • 1-C-3 Fainting or near fainting ≥50 years old
    • 1-C-4 Females with fainting or near fainting 12-50 years old
    • 1-C-5 Males with pain above navel ≥35 years old
    • 1-C-6 Females with pain above navel ≥ 45 years old
    • 1-A-1 Abdominal pain
    • 1-A-2 Testicle or groin pain (male)
  • Protocol 2: Allergies (Reactions)/Envenomations (Stings/Bites)
    • 2-E-1 Ineffective breathing
    • 2-D-1 Not alert
    • 2-D-2 Difficulty speaking between breaths
    • 2-D-3 Swarming attack (bee, wasp, hornet)
    • 2-D-4 Snakebite
    • 2-C-1 Difficulty breathing or swallowing
    • 2-C-2 History of severe allergic reaction
    • 2-B-1 Unknown status
    • 2-A-1 No difficulty breathing or swallowing (rash, hives or itching may be present)
    • 2-A-2 Spider bite
      • Suffixes: I=Injection administered or advised, M=Medication administered or advised
  • Protocol 3: Animal Bites/Attacks
    • 3-D-1 Arrest
    • 3-D-2 Unconscious
    • 3-D-3 Not alert
    • 3-D-4 Chest or neck injury (with difficulty breathing)
    • 3-D-5 Dangerous body area
    • 3-D-6 Large animal
    • 3-D-7 Exotic animal
    • 3-D-8 Attack of multiple animals
    • 3-D-9 Attack in progress
    • 3-B-1 Possibly dangerous body area
    • 3-B-2 Serious hemorrhage
    • 3-B-3 Unknown status
    • 3-A-1 Not dangerous body area
    • 3-A-2 Non-recent (≥6 hours) injuries (without priority symptoms)
    • 3-A-3 Superficial injuries
  • Protocol 4: Assault/Sexual Assault
    • 4-D-1 Arrest
    • 4-D-2 Unconscious
    • 4-D-3 Not alert
    • 4-D-4 Chest or neck injury (with difficulty breathing)
    • 4-D-5 Multiple victims
    • 4-B-1 Possibly dangerous body area
    • 4-B-2 Serious hemorrhage
    • 4-B-3 Unknown status
    • 4-A-1 Not dangerous body area with deformity
    • 4-A-2 Not dangerous body area
    • 4-A-3 Non-recent (≥6 hours) injuries (without priority symptoms)
      • Suffixes: A=Assault, S=Sexual assault, T=Stun gun
  • Protocol 5: Back Pain (Non-Traumatic or Non-Recent Trauma)
    • 5-D-1 Not alert
    • 5-D-2 Ashen or gray color reported ≥50 years old
    • 5-C-1 Suspected aortic aneurysm (tearing/ripping pain) ≥50 years old
    • 5-C-2 Known aortic aneurysm
    • 5-C-3 Fainting or nearly fainting ≥50 years old
    • 5-C-4 Non-traumatic or Non-recent trauma with difficulty breathing
    • 5-A-1 Non-traumatic back pain
    • 5-A-2 Non-recent (≥6 hours) traumatic back pain (without priority symptoms)
  • Protocol 6: Breathing Problems
    • 6-E-1 Ineffective breathing
    • 6-D-1 Not alert
    • 6-D-2 Difficulty speaking between breaths
    • 6-D-3 Changing color
    • 6-D-4 Clammy or cold sweats
    • 6-D-5 Tracheostomy (obvious distress)
    • 6-C-1 Abnormal breathing
    • 6-C-2 Tracheostomy (no obvious distress)
      • Suffixes: A=Asthma history
  • Protocol 7: Burns (Scalds)/Explosion (Blast)
    • 7-E-1 Person on fire
    • 7-D-1 Multiple victims
    • 7-D-2 Arrest
    • 7-D-3 Unconscious
    • 7-D-4 Not alert
    • 7-D-5 Difficulty speaking between breaths
    • 7-C-1 Building fire with persons reported inside
    • 7-C-2 Difficulty breathing
    • 7-C-3 ≥18% body area
    • 7-C-4 Significant facial burns
    • 7-B-1 Blast injuries (without priority symptoms)
    • 7-B-2 Unknown status
    • 7-A-1 <18% body area
    • 7-A-2 Fire alarm (unknown situation)
    • 7-A-3 Minor burns
    • 7-A-4 Sunburn
    • 7-A-5 Non-recent (≥ 6 hours)
      • Suffixes: E=Explosion, F=Fire present, W=Fireworks
  • Protocol 8: Carbon Monoxide/Inhalation/HAZMAT/CBRN
    • 8-D-1 Unconscious
    • 8-D-2 Arrest
    • 8-D-3 Not alert
    • 8-D-4 Difficulty speaking between breaths
    • 8-D-5 Multiple victims
    • 8-D-6 Unknown status
    • 8-C-1 Alert with difficulty breathing
    • 8-B-1 Alert without difficulty breathing
    • 8-Ω-1 Carbon monoxide detector alarm (without priority symptoms)
    • 8-Ω-2 Carbon monoxide detector alarm (no scene contact)
      • Suffixes: B=Biological, C=Chemical, G=Smell of gas/fumes, M=Carbon Monoxide, N=Nuclear, R=Radiological, S=Suicide attempt (carbon monoxide), U=Unknown
  • Protocol 9: Cardiac or Respiratory Arrest/Death
    • 9-E-1 Not breathing at all
    • 9-E-2 Uncertain Breathing
    • 9-E-3 Hanging
    • 9-E-4 Strangulation
    • 9-E-5 Suffocation
    • 9-E-6 Underwater
    • 9-E-7 Expected death
    • 9-D-1 Ineffective breathing
    • 9-D-2 Obvious death or expected death questionable
    • 9-B-1 Obvious death (unquestionable)
    • 9-O-1 Expected death (unquestionable)
      • Suffixes: A=Cold and stiff in a warm environment, B=Decapitation, C=Decomposition, D=Incineration, E=Non-recent death, F=Severe injuries incompatible w/ life, G=User defined, H=User defined, I=User defined, X=Terminal illness, Y=DNR, Z=User Defined.

Note: Local medical direction may permit additional suffixes for 9-B-1 (designated with letters h through k) and an additional suffix for 9-Ω-1 (designated letter z) specifying indicators determined by the medical director.

  • Protocol 10: Chest Pain (Non-Traumatic)
    • 10-D-1 Not alert
    • 10-D-2 Difficulty speaking between breaths
    • 10-D-3 Changing color
    • 10-D-4 Clammy or cold sweats
    • 10-D-5 Heart attack or angina history
    • 10-C-1 Abnormal breathing
    • 10-C-2 Cocaine
    • 10-C-3 Breathing normally ≥35 years old
    • 10-A-1 Breathing normally <35 years old
  • Protocol 11: Choking
    • 11-E-1 Complete obstruction/ineffective breathing
    • 11-D-1 Abnormal breathing (partial obstruction)
    • 11-D-2 Not alert
    • 11-A-1 Not choking now (can talk or cry, is alert and breathing normally)
  • Protocol 12: Convulsions/Seizures
    • 12-D-1 Not breathing
    • 12-D-2 Continuous or multiple seizures
    • 12-D-3 Agonal/ineffective breathing
    • 12-D-4 Effective breathing not verified, patient ≥35 years old
    • 12-C-1 Focal seizure (not alert)
    • 12-C-2 Pregnancy
    • 12-C-3 Diabetic
    • 12-C-4 Not seizing now and effective breathing verified (>6 years old, confirmed no seizure disorder)
    • 12-C-5 History of stroke or brain tumor
    • 12-C-6 Overdose/poisoning (ingestion)
    • 12-C-7 Atypical seizure
    • 12-B-1 Effective breathing not verified <35 years old
    • 12-A-1 Not seizing now and effective breathing verified (known seizure disorder)
    • 12-A-2 Not seizing now and effective breathing verified (seizure disorder unknown)
    • 12-A-3 Not seizing now and effective breathing verified (≤6 years old, confirmed no seizure disorder)
    • 12-A-4 Focal seizure (alert)
    • 12-A-5 Impending seizure (aura)
      • Suffixes: E=Epileptic or previous seizure diagnosis
  • Protocol 13: Diabetic Problems
    • 13-D-1 Unconscious
    • 13-C-1 Not alert
    • 13-C-2 Abnormal behavior
    • 13-C-3 Abnormal breathing
    • 13-A-1 Alert and behaving normally
      • Suffixes: C=Combative or aggressive
  • Protocol 14: Drowning (near)/Diving/SCUBA Accident
    • 14-E-1 Arrest (out of water)
    • 14-E-2 Underwater (domestic rescue)
    • 14-D-1 Unconscious
    • 14-D-2 Underwater (specialized rescue)
    • 14-D-3 Stranded (specialized rescue)
    • 14-D-4 Just resuscitated and/or defibrillated
    • 14-D-5 Not alert
    • 14-D-6 Diving or suspected neck injury
    • 14-C-1 Alert with abnormal breathing
    • 14-B-1 Alert and breathing normally (injuries or in water)
    • 14-B-2 Obvious death (submersion ≥ 6 hours)
    • 14-B-3 Unknown status
    • 14-A-1 Alert and breathing normally (no injuries and out of water)
  • Protocol 15: Electrocution/Lightning
    • 15-E-1 Not breathing/ineffective breathing
    • 15-D-1 Multiple victims
    • 15-D-2 Unconscious
    • 15-D-3 Not disconnected from power
    • 15-D-4 Power not off or hazard present
    • 15-D-5 Extreme fall (≥30 ft/10 m)
    • 15-D-6 Long fall
    • 15-D-7 Not alert
    • 15-D-8 Abnormal breathing
    • 15-D-9 Unknown status
    • 15-C-1 Alert and breathing normally
      • Suffixes: E=Electrocution, L=Lightning
  • Protocol 16: Eye Problems/Injuries
    • 16-D-1 Not alert
    • 16-B-1 Severe eye injuries
    • 16-A-1 Moderate eye injuries
    • 16-A-2 Minor eye injuries
    • 16-A-3 Medical eye problems
  • Protocol 17: Falls
    • 17-D-1 Extreme fall (≥30 ft/10 m)
    • 17-D-2 Arrest
    • 17-D-3 Unconscious
    • 17-D-4 Not alert
    • 17-D-5 Chest or neck injury (with difficulty breathing)
    • 17-D-6 Long fall
    • 17-B-1 Possibly dangerous body area
    • 17-B-2 Serious hemorrhage
    • 17-B-3 Unknown status
    • 17-A-1 Not dangerous body area with deformity
    • 17-A-2 Not dangerous body area
    • 17-A-3 Non-recent (≥6 hours) injuries (without priority symptoms)
    • 17-A-4 Public assist (no injuries and no priority symptoms)
      • Suffixes: A=Accessibility concern, E=Environmental problems, G=On the ground or floor, J=Jumper (suicide attempt), P=Public place
  • Protocol 18: Headache
    • 18-C-1 Not alert
    • 18-C-2 Abnormal breathing
    • 18-C-3 Speech problems
    • 18-C-4 Sudden onset of severe pain
    • 18-C-5 Numbness
    • 18-C-6 Paralysis
    • 18-C-7 Change in behavior (≤3 hours)
    • 18-B-1 Unknown status
    • 18-A-1 Breathing normally
  • Protocol 19: Heart Problems/AICD
    • 19-D-1 Not alert
    • 19-D-2 Difficulty speaking between breaths
    • 19-D-3 Changing color
    • 19-D-4 Clammy
    • 19-D-5 Just resuscitated and/or defibrillated (external)
    • 19-C-1 Firing of AICD
    • 19-C-2 Abnormal breathing
    • 19-C-3 Chest pain ≥35 years old
    • 19-C-4 Cardiac history
    • 19-C-5 Cocaine
    • 19-C-6 Heart rate <50 bpm or ≥130 bpm (without priority symptoms)
    • 19-C-7 Unknown status
    • 19-A-1 Heart rate ≥50 bpm and <130 bpm (without priority symptoms)
    • 19-A-2 Chest pain <35 years old (without priority symptoms)
  • Protocol 20: Heat/Cold Exposure
    • 20-D-1 Not alert
    • 20-D-2 Multiple victims (with priority symptoms)
    • 20-C-1 Heart attack or angina history
    • 20-B-1 Change in skin color
    • 20-B-2 Unknown status
    • 20-A-1 Alert
      • Suffixes: C=Cold exposure, H=Heat exposure
  • Protocol 21: Hemorrhage/Laceration
    • 21-D-1 Arrest
    • 21-D-2 Unconscious
    • 21-D-3 Not alert
    • 21-D-4 Dangerous hemorrhage
    • 21-D-5 Abnormal breathing
    • 21-C-1 Hemorrhage through tubes
    • 21-C-2 Hemorrhage of dialysis fistula
    • 21-C-3 Hemorrhage through varicose veins
    • 21-B-1 Possibly dangerous hemorrhage
    • 21-B-2 Serious hemorrhage
    • 21-B-3 Bleeding disorder
    • 21-B-4 Blood thinners
    • 21-A-1 Not dangerous hemorrhage
    • 21-A-2 Minor hemorrhage
  • Protocol 22: Industrial/Machinery Accidents
    • 22-D-1 Entrapment
    • 22-D-2 Trench collapse
    • 22-D-3 Structure collapse
    • 22-D-4 Confined space rescue
    • 22-D-5 Inaccessible terrain situation
    • 22-D-6 Mudslide/avalanche
    • 22-B-1 No longer trapped (unknown injuries)
    • 22-B-2 Peripheral entrapment only
    • 22-B-3 Unknown status (investigation)
    • 22-A-1 No longer trapped (no injuries)
      • Suffixes: A=Above ground (≥6 ft/2 m), B=Below ground (≥6 ft/2 m), M=Multiple victims, X=Above ground and multiple victims, Y=Below ground and multiple victims
  • Protocol 23: Overdose/Poisoning (Ingestion)
    • 23-E-1 Arrest
    • 23-D-1 Unconscious
    • 23-D-2 Changing color
    • 23-C-1 Not alert
    • 23-C-2 Abnormal breathing
    • 23-C-3 Antidepressants (tricyclic)
    • 23-C-4 Cocaine, methamphetamine (or derivatives)
    • 23-C-5 Narcotics (heroin)
    • 23-C-6 Acid or alkali (lye)
    • 23-C-7 Unknown status
    • 23-C-8 Poison Control request for response
    • 23-B-1 Overdose (without priority symptoms)
    • 23-Ω-1 Poisoning (without priority symptoms)
      • Suffixes: A=Accidental, I=Intentional, V=Violent or combative
  • Protocol 24: Pregnancy/Childbirth/Miscarriage
    • 24-D-1 Breech or cord
    • 24-D-2 Head visible/out
    • 24-D-3 Imminent delivery (≥5 months/20 weeks)
    • 24-D-4 3rd trimester hemorrhage
    • 24-D-5 High risk complications
    • 24-D-6 Baby born (complications with baby)
    • 24-D-7 Baby born (complications with mother)
    • 24-C-1 2nd trimester hemorrhage or miscarriage
    • 24-C-2 1st trimester serious hemorrhage
    • 24-C-3 Baby born (no complications)
    • 24-B-1 Labor (delivery not imminent, ≥5 months/20 weeks)
    • 24-B-2 Unknown status
    • 24-A-1 1st trimester hemorrhage or miscarriage
    • 24-Ω-1 Waters broken (no contractions or presenting parts)
  • Protocol 25: Psychiatric/Abnormal Behavior/Suicide Attempt
    • 25-D-1 Not alert
    • 25-D-2 Dangerous hemorrhage
    • 25-B-1 Serious hemorrhage
    • 25-B-2 Non-serious or minor hemorrhage
    • 25-B-3 Threatening suicide
    • 25-B-4 Jumper (threatening)
    • 25-B-5 Near hanging, strangulation or suffocation (alert)
    • 25-B-6 Unknown status
    • 25-A-1 Non-suicidal and alert
    • 25-A-2 Suicidal (not threatening) and alert
      • Suffixes: B=Both violent and weapons, V=Violent, W=Weapons
  • Protocol 26: Sick Person (Specific Diagnosis)
    • 26-D-1 Not alert
    • 26-C-1 Altered level of consciousness
    • 26-C-2 Abnormal breathing
    • 26-C-3 Sickle cell crisis/thalassemia
    • 26-B-1 Unknown status
    • 26-A-1 No priority symptoms (complaint conditions 2-11 not identified)
    • 26-A-2 Blood pressure abnormality
    • 26-A-3 Dizziness/vertigo
    • 26-A-4 Fever/chills
    • 26-A-5 General weakness
    • 26-A-6 Nausea
    • 26-A-7 New onset of immobility
    • 26-A-8 Other pain
    • 26-A-9 Transportation only
    • 26-A-10 Unwell/ill
    • 26-A-11 Vomiting
    • 26-A-12 Possible meningitis
    • 26-Ω-2 Boils
    • 26-Ω-3 Bumps (non-traumatic)
    • 26-Ω-4 Can’t sleep
    • 26-Ω-5 Can’t urinate (without abdominal pain)
    • 26-Ω-6 Catheter (in/out without hemorrhaging)
    • 26-Ω-7 Constipation
    • 26-Ω-8 Cramps/spasms/joint pain (in extremities and non-traumatic)
    • 26-Ω-9 Cut-off ring request
    • 26-Ω-10 Deafness
    • 26-Ω-11 Defecation/diarrhea
    • 26-Ω-12 Earache
    • 26-Ω-13 Enema
    • 26-Ω-14 Gout
    • 26-Ω-15 Hemorrhoids/piles
    • 26-Ω-16 Hepatitis
    • 26-Ω-17 Hiccups
    • 26-Ω-18 Itching
    • 26-Ω-19 Nervous
    • 26-Ω-20 Object stuck (nose, ear, vagina, rectum, penis)
    • 26-Ω-21 Object swallowed (without choking or difficulty breathing, can talk)
    • 26-Ω-22 Painful urination
    • 26-Ω-23 Penis problems/pain
    • 26-Ω-24 Rash/skin disorder (without difficulty breathing or swallowing)
    • 26-Ω-25 Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)
    • 26-Ω-26 Sore throat (without difficulty breathing or swallowing
    • 26-Ω-27 Toothache (without jaw pain)
    • 26-Ω-28 Wound infected (focal or surface)
  • Protocol 27: Stab/Gunshot/Penetrating Trauma
    • 27-D-1 Arrest
    • 27-D-2 Unconscious
    • 27-D-3 Not alert
    • 27-D-4 Central wounds
    • 27-D-5 Multiple wounds
    • 27-D-6 Multiple victims
    • 27-B-1 Non-recent (≥6 hours) single central wound
    • 27-B-2 Known single peripheral wound
    • 27-B-3 Serious hemorrhage
    • 27-B-4 Unknown status
    • 27-B-5 Obvious death (explosive GSW to head)
    • 27-A-1 Non-recent (≥6 hours peripheral wounds (without priority symptoms)
      • Suffixes: G=Gunshot, P=Penetrating trauma, S=Stab, X=Self-inflicted GSW, Y=Self-inflicted stab
  • Protocol 28: Stroke (CVA)/Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)
    • 28-C-1 Not alert
    • 28-C-2 Abnormal breathing
    • 28-C-3 Sudden speech problems
    • 28-C-4 Sudden weakness or numbness (one side)
    • 28-C-5 Sudden paralysis or facial droop (one side)
    • 28-C-6 Sudden loss of balance or coordination)
    • 28-C-7 Sudden vision problems
    • 28-C-8 Sudden onset of severe headache
    • 28-C-9 Stroke history
    • 28-C-10 TIA (mini-stroke) history
    • 28-C-11 Breathing normally ≥35 years old
    • 28-C-12 Unknown status
    • 28-A-1 Breathing normally <35 years old
      • Suffixes: C=Partial evidence of stroke (less than _ hours), D=Partial evidence of stroke (greater than _ hours), E=Partial evidence of stroke (unknown time frame), F=Strong evidence of stroke (less than _ hours), G=Greater than _ hours since symptoms started (stroke diagnostic not completed), H=Strong evidence of stroke (greater than _ hours), I=Strong evidence of stroke (unknown time frame), J=Clear evidence of stroke (less than _ hours), K=Clear evidence of stroke (greater than _ hours), L=Less than _ hours since symptom onset (stroke diagnostic not completed), M=Clear evidence of stroke (unknown time frame), U=Unknown when symptoms started (stroke diagnostic not completed), X=No test evidence of stroke (less than _ hours), Y=No test evidence of stroke (greater than _ hours), Z=No test evidence of stroke (unknown time frame)

Note: Local medical direction will determine the time duration indicated in the suffixes.

  • Protocol 29: Traffic/Transportation Incidents
    • 29-D-1 Major incident (a through f)
    • 29-D-2 High mechanism (k through s)
    • 29-D-3 HAZMAT
    • 29-D-4 Pinned (trapped victim)
    • 29-D-5 Not alert
    • 29-B-1 Injuries
    • 29-B-2 Serious hemorrhage
    • 29-B-3 Other hazards
    • 29-B-4 Unknown status
    • 29-A-1 1st party caller with injury to not dangerous body area
    • 29-Ω-1 No injuries (confirmed)
      • Suffixes: A=Multiple patients and additional response required, a=Aircraft, b=Bus, c=Subway/metro, d=Train, e=Watercraft, f=Multi-vehicle (≥10) pile-up, k=All-terrain/snowmobile, l=Auto vs. bicycle/motorcycle, M=Multiple patients, m=Auto vs. pedestrian, n=Ejection, o=Personal watercraft, p=Rollovers, q=Vehicle off bridge/height, r=Possible death at scene, s=Sinking vehicle, U=Unknown number of patients, X=Unknown number of patients and additional response required
  • Protocol 30: Traumatic Injuries (Specific)
    • 30-D-1 Arrest
    • 30-D-2 Unconscious
    • 30-D-3 Not alert
    • 30-D-4 Chest or neck injury (with difficulty breathing)
    • 30-D-5 High velocity impact/mass injury
    • 30-B-1 Possibly dangerous body area
    • 30-B-2 Serious hemorrhage
    • 30-B-3 Unknown body area (remote patient location)
    • 30-A-1 Not dangerous body area with deformity
    • 30-A-2 Not dangerous body area
    • 30-A-3 Non-recent (≥6 hours) injuries (without priority symptoms)
  • Protocol 31: Unconscious/Fainting (Near)
    • 31-E-1 Ineffective breathing
    • 31-D-1 Unconscious – agonal/ineffective breathing
    • 31-D-2 Unconscious – effective breathing
    • 31-D-3 Not alert
    • 31-D-4 Changing color
    • 31-C-1 Alert with abnormal breathing
    • 31-C-2 Fainting episode(s) and alert ≥35 years old (with cardiac history)
    • 31-C-3 Females 12-50 years old with abdominal pain
    • 31-A-1 Fainting episode(s) and alert ≥35 years old (without cardiac history)
    • 31-A-2 Fainting episode(s) and alert <35 years old (with cardiac history)
    • 31-A-3 Fainting episode(s) and alert <35 years old (without cardiac history)
  • Protocol 32: Unknown Problem (Man Down)
    • 32-D-1 Life status questionable
    • 32-B-1 Standing, sitting, moving or talking
    • 32-B-2 Medical alarm (alert) notifications (no patient information)
    • 32-B-3 Unknown status
    • 32-B-4 Caller’s language not understood (no interpreter in center)
  • Protocol 33: Transfer/Interfacility/Palliative Care
    • 33-D-1 Suspected cardiac or respiratory arrest
    • 33-D-2 Just resuscitated and/or defibrillated (external)
    • 33-C-1 Not alert (acute change)
    • 33-C-2 Abnormal breathing (acute onset)
    • 33-C-3 Significant hemorrhage or shock
    • 33-C-4 Possible acute heart problems or MI (heart attack)
    • 33-C-5 Acute severe pain
    • 33-C-6 Emergency response requested
    • 33-A-1 Acuity I (no priority symptoms)
    • 33-A-2 Acuity II (no priority symptoms)
    • 33-A-3 Acuity III (no priority symptoms)
      • Suffixes: P=Palliative care, T=Transfer/interfacility
  • Protocol 34: ACN (Automatic crash notification)
  • Protocol 36: Pandemic/Epidemic/Outbreak
    • 36-D-1 Ineffective breathing with flu symptoms
    • 36-D-2 Difficulty speaking between breaths with flu symptoms
    • 36-D-3 Not alert with flu symptoms
    • 36-D-4 Changing color with flu symptoms
    • 36-C-1 Abnormal breathing with single flu symptom
    • 36-C-2 Abnormal breathing with multiple flu symptom
    • 36-C-3 Chest pain/discomfort ≥35 with single flu symptom
    • 36-C-4 Chest pain/discomfort ≥35 with multiple flu symptoms
    • 36-C-5 High risk conditions
    • 36-A-1 Chest pain/discomfort <35 with single flu symptom
    • 36-A-2 Chest pain/discomfort <35 with multiple flu symptoms
    • 36-A-3 Flu symptoms only
      • Suffixes: S=Level 0 (Surveillance only), A=Level 1 (low triage), B=Level 2 (moderate triage), C=Level 3 (high triage)
  • Protocol 37: Interfacility Evaluation/Transfer
    • 37-D-1 Not breathing/ineffective breathing
    • 37-D-2 Evaluation
    • 37-D-3 Transfer
    • 37-C-1 Acute onset of priority symptoms
    • 37-C-2 Suspected acute heart problems or MI (heart attack)
    • 37-C-3 Suspected Stroke (<= T hours)
    • 37-C-4 Medication management required
    • 37-C-5 Emergency response requested
    • 37-C-6 Evaluation
    • 37-C-7 Transfer level I
    • 37-C-8 Transfer level II
    • 37-C-9 Transfer level III
    • 37-B-1 Evaluation
    • 37-B-2 Transfer
    • 37-A-1 Evaluation
    • 37-A-2 Transfer level I
    • 37-A-3 Transfer level II
    • 37-A-4 Transfer level III
      • Suffixes: A=Additional personnel, S=Special equipment, B=Additional personnel and special equip


  • Protocol 51: Aircraft Emergency
    • 51-D-1 Aircraft crash on land (Alert III)
    • 51-D-2 Aircraft crash involving structure (Alert III)
    • 51-D-3 Aircraft fire/incident on ground (Alert III)
    • 51-D-4 Coastal water crash
    • 51-D-5 Inland water crash
    • 51-D-6 Oceanic water crash
    • 51-C-1 Aircraft incoming (Alert II)
    • 51-C-2 Aircraft incoming (Alert I)
    • 51-B-1 Unknown situation (investigation)
    • 51-A-1 Stand by
    • 51-Ω-1 Airborne aircraft
      • Suffixes: A=Airship/Blimp, B=Hot air balloon, C=Cargo, H=Helicopter, L=Large aircraft, M=Military aircraft, S=Small aircraft, T=Light aircraft, U=Unknown
  • Protocol 52: Alarms
    • 52-C-1 High Life Hazard
    • 52-C-2 High Rise
    • 52-C-3 Commercial/industrial building
    • 52-C-4 Residential (multiple)
    • 52-B-1 Residential (single)
    • 52-B-2 Non-dwelling building/structure
    • 52-B-3 Mobile home, house trailer, portable office
    • 52-B-4 Unknown situation
    • 52-Ω-1 Burglary/intrusion, etc.
    • 52-Ω-2 Medical alarm
      • Suffixes: C=Carbon Monoxide, D=Carbon Dioxide, G=General/Fire, H=Heat Detector, I=Industrial Gas/HAZMAT, K=Keypad (manual), L=Duct Detector, O=Other, P=Pull Station, S=Smoke Detector, T=Trouble/Tamper, U=Unknown, W=Waterflow/Sprinkler, X=CO/Industrial gas with single sick person, Y=CO/Industrial gas with multiple sick persons
  • Protocol 53: Service Call
    • 53-C-1 Water problem with electrical hazard
    • 53-C-2 Service call (multiple units)
    • 53-B-1 Locked in vehicle
    • 53-B-2 Welfare check
    • 53-B-3 Service call with medical assistance (a through j or r through z)
    • 53-B-4 Urgent service call (a through j)
    • 53-A-1 Locked in/out of building
    • 53-A-2 Lift assist
    • 53-A-3 Animal rescue
    • 53-A-4 Water problem
    • 53-A-5 Service call (r through z)
    • 53-A-6 Unknown/Other situation (investigation)
    • 53-Ω-1 Locked out of vehicle (unoccupied)
    • 53-Ω-2 Down trees and objects
    • 53-Ω-3 Hydrant problem
    • 53-Ω-4 Sewer problem
    • 53-Ω-5 Water main break
    • 53-Ω-6 Flooded/Water in roadway
    • 53-Ω-7 Other
  • Protocol 54: Confined Space/Structure Collapse
    • 54-D-1 Entrapment/trapped (confirmed)
    • 54-D-2 Entrapment/trapped (confirmed) with hazardous materials
    • 54-C-1 Entrapment/trapped (unconfirmed) with hazardous materials
    • 54-B-1 Entrapment/trapped (unconfirmed)
    • 54-B-2 No one trapped
      • Suffixes: C=Confined Space, H=Sinkhole, L=Large building/structure collapse, M=Landslide/Mudslide, S=Small building/structure collapse, T=Trench (collapse/rescue), U=Unknown, W=Building/structure collapse into water
  • Protocol 55: Electrical Hazard
    • 55-C-1 Electrical hazard with or near water
    • 55-C-2 Wires down with smoke or arcing
    • 55-C-3 Substation/Distribution station
    • 55-C-4 Underground electrical problem (vault/manhole)
    • 55-C-5 Solar farm
    • 55-B-1 Electrical arcing
    • 55-B-2 Wires down without smoke or arcing
    • 55-B-3 Appliance with odor present
    • 55-B-4 Electrical odor
    • 55-B-5 Unknown situation (investigation)
    • 55-A-1 Transformer outside (wire or pole)
    • 55-A-2 Appliance without odor present
      • Suffixes: A=Animals, B=Buildings (non-residential), N=Person in contact with electrical hazard, O=Other, P=People in danger, R=Residential, S=Person in contact with electrical hazard and single injured person, T=Person in contact with electrical hazard and multiple injured persons, U=Unknown, V=Vehicle
  • Protocol 56: Elevator/Escalator Incident
    • 56-D-1 Escalator entrapment/trapped with injuries
    • 56-D-2 Elevator accident
    • 56-B-1 Elevator malfunction – occupants inside (medical condition)
    • 56-B-2 Escalator entrapment/trapped without injuries
    • 56-B-3 Unknown situation
    • 56-A-1 Elevator malfunction – occupants inside
    • 56-A-2 Elevator alarm
    • 56-Ω-1 Elevator malfunction – no occupants inside
    • 56-Ω-2 Escalator incident (not trapped) – with or without injuries
  • Protocol 57: Explosion
    • 57-D-1 High life hazard
    • 57-D-2 High rise
    • 57-D-3 Government building
    • 57-D-4 Commercial/industrial building
    • 57-D-5 Residential (multiple)
    • 57-D-6 Residential (single)
    • 57-D-7 Large non-dwelling building/structure
    • 57-D-8 Small non-dwelling building/structure
    • 57-D-9 Commercial vehicle
    • 57-D-10 Large fuel/fire load vehicle
    • 57-D-11 Mobile home, house trailer, portable office
    • 57-C-1 Other vehicle explosion
    • 57-C-2 Open area
    • 57-C-3 Manhole (cover/underground vault)
    • 57-B-1 Vehicle explosion
    • 57-B-2 Other Explosion
    • 57-B-3 Unknown situation (investigation)
      • Suffixes: F=Fire, G=Fire with single injured person, H=Fire with multiple injured persons, V=Single injured person, W=Multiple injured persons, X=MCI Level 1, Y=MCI Level 2, Z=MCI Level 3
  • Protocol 58: Extrication/Entrapment
    • 58-D-1 Entrapment/Trapped (head, trunk/torso/chest, upper arm, upper leg)
    • 58-C-1 Entrapment/Trapped (unknown body part)
    • 58-B-1 Entrapment/Trapped (hand, wrist, forearm, foot, lower leg)
    • 58-B-2 Unknown situation (investigation)
    • 58-B-3 Entrapment/Trapped (non-threatened)
    • 58-A-1 Entrapment/Trapped (finger, toe, hair)
    • 58-A-2 No longer trapped with injuries
    • 58-Ω-1 No longer trapped (no/unknown injuries)
      • Suffixes: H=HAZMAT
  • Protocol 59: Fuel Spill/Fuel Odor
    • 59-D-1 Coastal water
    • 59-D-2 Inland water
    • 59-D-3 Oceanic water
    • 59-D-4 Sewer/Drain
    • 59-C-1 Uncontained large spill
    • 59-C-2 Contained large spill
    • 59-C-3 Unknown situation
    • 59-B-1 Uncontained small spill
    • 59-B-2 Contained small spill
    • 59-B-3 Fuel odor
    • 59-O-1 Minor Spill
      • Suffixes: I=Inside, O=Outside, U=Unknown, V=Inside and sick/injured person, W=Inside and multiple sick/injured persons, X=Outside and sick/injured person, Y=Outside and multiple sick/injured persons
  • Protocol 60: Gas Leak/Gas Odor (Natural and LP Gases)
    • 60-D-1 High life hazard
    • 60-D-2 High rise
    • 60-D-3 Commercial/industrial building
    • 60-D-4 Residential (multiple)
    • 60-C-1 Residential (single)
    • 60-C-2 Outside commercial line
    • 60-C-3 Outside tank > 5 gal
    • 60-C-4 Transmission/Distribution (main/service) pipeline
    • 60-C-5 High-pressure line
    • 60-B-1 Outside residential line
    • 60-B-2 Outside tank ≤ 5 gal
    • 60-B-3 Outside odor (unknown source)
    • 60-B-4 Unknown situation (investigation)
      • Suffixes: O=Odor only, V=Odor with single sick/injured person, W=Odor with multiple sick/injured persons, X=Single sick/injured person, Y=Multiple sick/injured persons
  • Protocol 61: HAZMAT
    • 61-E-1 Chemical suicide
    • 61-D-1 Uncontained in/near other waterway
    • 61-D-2 Uncontained HAZMAT
    • 61-D-3 Coastal water
    • 61-D-4 Inland water
    • 61-D-5 Oceanic water
    • 61-D-6 Sewer/Drain
    • 61-C-1 Contained HAZMAT
    • 61-C-2 Contained in/near other waterway
    • 61-B-1 Small spill (≤5 gallons)
    • 61-A-1 Abandoned waste
      • Suffixes: D=Drug lab, S=Chemical suicide, V=Single sick/injured person, W=Multiple sick/injured persons, X=MCI Level 1, Y=MCI Level 2, Z-MCI Level 3
  • Protocol 62: High Angle Rescue
    • 62-D-1 High angle rescue
    • 62-D-2 High angle rescue (suicidal person)
    • 62-D-3 High angle rescue with single injured person
    • 62-D-4 High angle rescue with multiple injured persons
    • 62-D-5 High angle rescue with unknown number of injuries
    • 62-C-1 Unknown situation (suicidal with injuries)
    • 62-B-1 Unknown situation
      • Suffixes: A=Above grade, B=Below grade, W=Above water
  • Protocol 63: Lightning Strike (Investigation)
    • 63-C-1 High life hazard
    • 63-C-2 High rise
    • 63-C-3 Commercial/industrial building
    • 63-C-4 Residential (multiple)
    • 63-C-5 Outdoor venue (sporting event/concert/campground)
    • 63-B-1 Residential (single)
    • 63-B-2 Large non-dwelling building/structure
    • 63-B-3 Small non-dwelling building/structure
    • 63-B-4 Mobile home, house trailer, portable office
    • 63-B-5 Outside lightning strike
    • 63-B-6 Vehicle
    • 63-B-7 Unknown situation (investigation)/Unknown building type
      • Suffixes: X=Single injured person, Y=Multiple injured persons
  • Protocol 64: Marine Fire
    • 64-D-1 Threatened building/structure or other boats
    • 64-D-2 Docked in coastal water
    • 64-D-3 Docked in inland water
    • 64-D-4 Beached in coastal water
    • 64-D-5 Beached in inland water
    • 64-D-6 Coastal water
    • 64-D-7 Oceanic water
    • 64-D-8 Inland water
    • 64-D-9 Dry dock/on land
    • 64-B-1 Extinguished fire
    • 64-B-2 Unknown situation/investigation
      • Suffixes: L=Large (≥50 ft), M=Medium (25-49 feet), S=Small (< 25 ft), T=Large and single injured person, U=Large and multiple injured persons, V=Medium and single injured persons, W=Medium and multiple injured persons, X=Small and single injured person, Y=Small and multiple injured persons
  • Protocol 65: Mutual Aid/Assist Outside Agency
    • 65-D-1 Mutual aide to incident (multiple units – hot)
    • 65-D-2 Assist outside agency (multiple units – hot)
    • 65-B-1 Mutual aid to incident (single unit – hot)
    • 65-B-2 Assist outside agency (single unit – hot)
    • 65-A-1 Mutual aid to incident (multiple units – cold)
    • 65-A-2 Assist outside agency (multiple units – cold)
    • 65-A-3 Mutual aid to incident (single unit – cold)
    • 65-A-4 Assist outside agency (single unit – cold)
    • 65-A-5 Mutual aid move-up/cover
    • 65-A-6 Mutual aid to staging area (station assignment)
  • Protocol 66: Odor (Strange/Unknown)
    • 66-C-1 Odor inside single sick person
    • 66-C-2 Odor inside with multiple sick persons
    • 66-C-3 Odor outside with single sick person
    • 66-C-4 Odor outside with multiple sick persons
    • 66-B-1 Unknown situation (investigation) with sick person(s)
    • 66-A-1 Odor inside
    • 66-A-2 Odor outside
    • 66-A-3 Unknown situation (investigation)
  • Protocol 67: Outside Fire
    • 67-E-1 Person on fire (outside)
    • 67-D-1 Large elevated structures
    • 67-D-2 Large outside fire
    • 67-D-3 Large outside fire with hazardous materials
    • 67-C-1 Small elevated structures
    • 67-B-1 Small outside fire
    • 67-B-2 Small outside fire with hazardous materials
    • 67-B-3 Unknown situation
    • 67-A-1 Extinguished fire (1st/2nd party)
      • Suffixes: T=Trapped, P=People in danger, A=Animals, B=Buildings (non-residential), O=Other, R=Residential, U=Unknown, V=Vehicle, X=Single injured person, Y=Multiple injured persons
  • Protocol 68: Smoke Investigation (Outside)
    • 68-C-1 Heavy smoke
    • 68-A-1 Light smoke
    • 68-A-2 Odor of smoke
    • 68-A-3 Unknown situation (investigation)
  • Protocol 69: Structure Fire
    • 69-E-1 High life hazard
    • 69-E-2 High rise
    • 69-E-3 Commercial/industrial building
    • 69-E-4 Commercial/industrial building w/ HAZMAT
    • 69-E-5 Residential (multiple)
    • 69-E-6 Residential (single)
    • 69-E-7 Large non-dewlling building/structure
    • 69-E-8 Small non-dewlling building/structure
    • 69-E-9 Mobile home, house trailer, portable office
    • 69-E-10 Building/Structure over water
    • 69-E-11 Unknown building/structure type
    • 69-D-1 High life hazard
    • 69-D-2 High rise
    • 69-D-3 Commercial/industrial building
    • 69-D-4 Comercial/industrial build with HAZMAT
    • 69-D-5 Residential (multiple)
    • 69-D-6 Residential (single)
    • 69-D-7 Large non-dwelling building/structure
    • 69-D-8 Small non-dwelling building/structure
    • 69-D-9 Mobile home, house trailer, portable office
    • 69-D-10 Building/structure over water
    • 69-D-11 Unknown building/structure type
      • Suffixes: R=Trapped person(s), X=Single injured person, Y=Multiple injured persons, A=Appliance (contained), C=Chimney, E=Extinguished fire (1st/2nd party), F=Burned food (1st party), K=Light smoke (1st party), L=Electrical problem, O=Odor of smoke
  • Protocol 70: Train and Rail Collision/Derailment
    • 70-D-1 Person trapped/struck by train (no collision/derailment)
    • 70-D-2 Collision/derailment involving buildings/structures
    • 70-D-3 Collision/derailment involving vehicles
    • 70-D-4 Collision/derailment below ground level
    • 70-D-5 Collision/derailment above ground level
    • 70-D-6 Collision/derailment at ground level
    • 70-D-7 Collision/derailment in tunnel
    • 70-D-8 Collision/derailment on bridge/trestle
    • 70-D-9 Collision/derailment into/over water
    • 70-C-1 Large fuel/fire load vehicle on tracks
    • 70-C-2 Commercial vehicle on tracks
    • 70-C-3 Other vehicle on tracks
    • 70-C-4 Unknown situation
      • Suffixes: C=Cable car, F=Freight train, L=Light rail, M=Monorail, O=Other, P=Passenger train, S=Subway, T=Trolley/Streetcar, U=Unknown
  • Protocol 71: Vehicle Fire
    • 71-E-1 Vehicle fire (occupants trapped)
    • 71-D-1 Vehicle fire (occupants trapped)
    • 71-D-2 Vehicle fire in tunnel
    • 71-D-3 Vehicle fire with threatened building/structure
    • 71-D-4 Commercial vehicle
    • 71-D-5 Large fuel/fire load vehicle
    • 71-D-6 Agricultural/Farm/Excavation/Construction machinery
    • 71-C-1 Vehicle fire threatening non-structure object
    • 71-C-2 Vehicle fire in parking garage
    • 71-C-3 Delivery vehicle
    • 71-B-1 Vehicle fire
    • 71-B-2 Motorcycle/Scooter/ATV
    • 71-B-3 Commercial vehicle (extinguished)
    • 71-B-4 Large fuel/fire load vehicle (extinguished)
    • 71-B-5 Agricultural/Farm/Excavation/Construction machinery (extinguished)
    • 71-A-1 Vehicle fire (extinguished)
      • Suffixes: A=Alternative fuel, H=HAZMAT, M=Alternative fuel and HAZMAT, R=Alternative fuel with single injured person, S=Alternative fuel with multiple injured persons, T=HAZMAT with single injured person, U=HAZMAT with multiple injured persons, V=Alternative fuel and HAZMAT with single injured person, W=Alternative fuel and HAZMAT with multiple injured persons, X=Single injured person, Y=Multiple injured persons
  • Protocol 72: Water/Ice/Mud Rescue
    • 72-D-1 Ice rescue
    • 72-D-2 Swift water rescue
    • 72-D-3 Scuba dive accident
    • 72-D-4 Swimming pool rescue
    • 72-D-5 Coastal water rescue
    • 72-D-6 Inland water rescue
    • 72-D-7 Oceanic water rescue
    • 72-D-8 Surf rescue
    • 72-D-9 Large flood water rescue
    • 72-D-10 Small flood water rescue
    • 72-D-11 Quicksand/marsh/mud rescue
    • 72-C-1 Stranded in building/structure due to flood
    • 72-B-1 Stranded person (non-threatened)
    • 72-B-2 Unknown situation
    • 72-A-1 Animal rescue
    • 72-A-2 Body recovery
      • Suffixes: M=Multiple person rescue, X=Single injured person, Y=Multiple injured persons
  • Protocol 73: Watercraft in Distress/Collision
    • 73-D-1 People in water
    • 73-D-2 Taking on water
    • 73-D-3 Flare sighting (red or orange)
    • 73-D-4 Collision
    • 73-D-5 Unknown situation
    • 73-B-1 Watercraft disabled
    • 73-B-2 Medical emergency on board
    • 73-B-3 Engine will not start
    • 73-B-4 Run aground
    • 73-B-5 Flare sighting (other than orange or red)
    • 73-A-1 Watercraft welfare check
      • Suffixes: C=Coastal, I=Inland, O=Oceanic, T=Costal with single sick/injured person, U=Coastal with multiple sick/injured persons, V=Inland with single sick/injured person, W=Inland with multiple sick/injured persons, X=Oceanic with single sick/injured person, Y=Oceanic with multiple sick/injured persons
  • Protocol 74: Suspicious Package (Letter, Item, Substance)/Explosives
    • 74-D-1 Suspicious package with leakage/residue and single sick/injured person
    • 74-D-2 Suspicious package with leakage/residue and multiple sick/injured persons
    • 74-D-3 Suspicious package with single sick/injured person
    • 74-D-4 Suspicious package with multiple sick/injured persons
    • 74-D-5 Military ordnance/explosives found with single sick/injured person
    • 74-D-6 Military ordnance/explosives found with multiple sick/injured persons
    • 74-C-1 Suspicious package with leakage/residue
    • 74-C-2 Suspicious package
    • 74-C-3 Bomb threat (suspect caller)
    • 74-B-1 Military ordinance
    • 74-B-2 Explosives
    • 74-B-3 Unknown situation (investigation)
    • 74-A-1 Ordnance/Explosives found
      • Suffixes: C=Commercial/industrial building, G=Government building, H=High life hazard/high rise, N=Non-dwelling building/structure, O=Open area, R=Residential building
  • Protocol 75: Train and Rail Fire
    • 75-D-1 Train fire involving buildings/structures
    • 75-D-2 Train fire involving vehicles
    • 75-D-3 Train fire below ground level
    • 75-D-4 Train fire above ground level
    • 75-D-5 Train fire at ground level
    • 75-D-6 Train fire in tunnel
    • 75-D-7 Train fire on bridge/trestle
    • 75-D-8 Train fire into/over water
    • 75-C-1 Unknown situation
    • 75-O-1 Moving train
      • Suffixes: C=Cable car, F=Freight train, L=Light rail, M=Monorail, O=Other, P=Passenger train, S=Subway, T=Trolley/Streetcar, U=Unknown
  • Protocol 76: Bomb Threat
    • 76-C-1 Bomb threat (suspect caller)
    • 76-B-1 Bomb threat
      • Suffixes: C=Commercial/industrial building, G=Government building, H=High life hazard/high rise, N=Non-dwelling building/structure, O=Open area, R=Residential building, U=Unknown
  • Protocol 77: Motor Vehicle Collision
    • 77-E-1 Vehicle collision (on fire and occupants trapped)
    • 77-D-1 High occupancy vehicle (high mechanism)
    • 77-D-2 High mechanism
    • 77-D-3 Multi-vehicle pile-up
    • 77-D-4 Pinned (trapped) victim
    • 77-D-5 Ejection
    • 77-D-6 Vehicle vs. pedestrian/bicycle
    • 77-D-7 Motorcycle/Vehicle vs. motorcycle
    • 77-D-8 Vehicle vs. building
    • 77-D-9 Unstable vehicle
    • 77-D-10 Commercial vehicle
    • 77-C-1 Injuries with hazard
    • 77-C-2 Fuel/fluid leak
    • 77-B-1 Injuries
    • 77-B-2 Unknown situation
    • 77-A-1 Low mechanism
    • 77-A-2 No injuries with hazard
    • 77-Ω-1 Vehicle blocking traffic
    • 77-Ω-2 No injuries and no hazard
      • Suffixes: M=Multiple vehicles, F=Fire, H=HAZMAT, N=Multiple vehicles and fire, O=Multiple vehicles and HAZMAT, P=Fire and HAZMAT, Q=Multiple, fire and HAZMAT
  • Protocol 78: Backcountry Rescue
    • 78-D-1 Avalanche (multiple trapped persons)
    • 78-D-2 Avalanche (single trapped person)
    • 78-D-3 Trapped/Injured in crevasse
    • 78-D-4 Trapped/Injured in inaccessible area
    • 78-D-5 Trapped/Injured in high angle terrain
    • 78-D-6 Cave/Abandoned mine
    • 78-C-1 Avalanche (unknown number of trapped persons)
    • 78-C-2 Injured in accessible area
    • 78-C-3 Not injured in inaccessible area
    • 78-C-4 Not injured in high angle terrain
    • 78-B-1 Unknown situation (investigation)
      • Suffixes: H=Rising water, W=Inclement weather, M=Multiple sick/injured persons, B=Both inclement weather and multiple sick/injured persons, C=Both Rising water and Multiple sick/injured persons
  • Protocol 79: Lost Person
    • 79-D-1 Complex terrain with multiple sick/injured persons
    • 79-D-2 Complex terrain with single sick/injured person
    • 79-D-3 Multiple sick/injured persons
    • 79-D-4 Single sick/injured person
    • 79-D-5 Complex terrain
    • 79-C-1 Lost person
      • Suffixes: W=Inclement weather, M=Multiple people involved, B=Both inclement weather and Multiple people involved
  • Protocol 80: Outside Tank Fire
    • 80-D-1 Large natural/LP gas storage tank
    • 80-D-2 Large chemical storage tank
    • 80-D-3 Large fuel storage tank
    • 80-D-4 Refinery/Tank farm fire
    • 80-C-1 Small natural/LP gas storage tank
    • 80-C-2 Small chemical storage tank
    • 80-C-3 Small fuel storage tank
    • 80-C-4 Extinguished fire – Large tank (1st/2nd party)
    • 80-C-5 Unknown situation (investigation)
    • 80-B-1 Single natural/LP gas storage tank ≤ 5 gallons/20 liters
    • 80-B-2 Extinguished fire – Small tank (1st/2nd party)
      • Suffixes: T=Trapped, P=People in danger, A=Animals, B=Buildings (non-residential), D=Additional/Other tanks, O=Other, R=Residential, U=Unknown, V=Vehicle, X=Single injured person, Y=Multiple injured persons
  • Protocol 81: Sinking Vehicle/Vehicle in Floodwater
    • 81-E-1 Sinking vehicle (people inside)
    • 81-E-2 Vehicle in floodwater (threatened)
    • 81-D-1 Sinking vehicle – coastal water rescue (people in water)
    • 81-D-2 Sinking vehicle – inland water rescue (people in water)
    • 81-D-3 Sinking vehicle – oceanic water rescue (people in water)
    • 81-C-1 Multiple vehicles in floodwater (non-threatened)
    • 81-C-2 Vehicle in floodwater (non-threatened)
    • 81-C-3 Sinking vehicle (no people reported inside)
      • Suffixes: M=Multiple-person rescue, X=Single injured person, Y=Multiple injured persons
  • Protocol 82: Vegetation/Wildland/Brush/Grass Fire
    • 82-E-1 Threatened/Trapped by wildland fire
    • 82-D-1 Large Wildland fire, structures involved
    • 82-D-2 Large Wildland fire, structures threatened
    • 82-D-3 Large Wildland fire
    • 82-D-4 Small Wildland fire, structures involved
    • 82-D-5 Small Wildland fire, structures threatened
    • 82-D-6 Large Brush/Grass fire, structures involved
    • 82-D-7 Large Brush/Grass fire, structures threatened
    • 82-D-8 Large Brush/Grass fire
    • 82-D-9 Small Brush/Grass fire, structures involved
    • 82-C-1 Small Wildland fire
    • 82-C-2 Small Brush/Grass fire, structures threatened
    • 82-C-3 Small Brush/Grass fire
    • 82-B-1 Unknown situation (investigation)
    • 82-A-1 Extinguished fire (1st/2nd party)
    • 82-Ω-1 Controlled burn
      • Suffixes: T=Trapped, P=People in danger, A=Animals, O=Other, U=Unknown, V=Vehicle, X=Single injured person, Y=Multiple injured persons
  • Protocol 83: Weather/Disaster Situations
    • 83-D-1 Mass Casualty Incident
    • 83-D-2 Entrapment/Trapped
    • 83-D-3 Immediate danger
    • 83-D-4 Critical infrastructure
    • 83-C-1 Non-critical infrastruture
    • 83-B-1 Medical problems
    • 83-B-2 Stranded
    • 83-B-3 Utility-related danger
    • 83-A-1 Other Situation
    • 83-Ω-1 Referral
      • Suffixes: X=MCI Level 1, Y=MCI Level 2, Z=MCI Level 3


Note: For all protocols, an affix of “OCI” in the dispatch code indicates “Officer Created Incident” (e.g. 103OCI – Administrative). An affix of “X” indicates call was transferred to an outside agency (e.g. 105X – Animal).

  • Protocol 101: Abduction/Kidnapping
  • Protocol 102: Abuse/Abandonment/Neglect
  • Protocol 103: Administrative
  • Protocol 104: Alarms
  • Protocol 105: Animal
  • Protocol 106: Assault/Sexual Assault
  • Protocol 107: Assist Other Agencies
  • Protocol 108: Bomb Found/Suspicious Package
  • Protocol 109: Bomb Threat
    • 109-D-1 High Occupancy
    • 109-D-2 Low Occupancy
    • 109-Ω-1 Information
    • 109-Ω-2 Referral
  • Protocol 110: Burglary (Break and Enter)/Home Invasion
    • 110-E-1 Immediate life threat
    • 110-E-2 Person in danger (no immediate life threat)
    • 110-D-1 Burglary (break and enter)
    • 110-D-2 Home invasion
    • 110-B-1 Past burglary (break and enter)
    • 110-B-2 Past home invasion
    • 110-Ω-1 Information
    • 110-Ω-1 Referral
      • Suffixes: C=Club, E=Explosive, G=Gun, K=Knife, O=Other
  • Protocol 111: Damage/Vandalism/Mischief
  • Protocol 112: Deceased Person
  • Protocol 113: Disturbance/Nuisance
    • 113-D-1 Physical (large group)
    • 113-D-2 Physical (individual or small group)
    • 113-B-1 Past physical
  • Protocol 114: Domestic Disturbance/Violence
    • 114-D-1 Physical
    • 114-D-2 Verbal
    • 114-B-1 Past physical
    • 114-B-2 Past verbal
    • 114-Ω-1 Referral
    • 114-Ω-2 Information
  • Protocol 115: Driving Under the Influence
  • Protocol 116: Drugs
  • Protocol 117: Explosion
  • Protocol 118: Fraud/Deception
  • Protocol 119: Harassment/Stalking/Threat
  • Protocol 120: Indecency/Lewdness
  • Protocol 121: Mental Disorder (Behavior Problems)
  • Protocol 122: Miscellaneous
  • Protocol 123: Missing/Runaway/Found Person
  • Protocol 124: Officer Needs Assistance
  • Protocol 125: Public Service
  • Protocol 126: Robbery/Carjacking
  • Protocol 127: Suicidal Person/Attempted Suicide
    • 127-E-1 Immediate life threat
    • 127-E-2 Person in danger (no immediate life threat)
    • 127-D-1 Attempted suicide
    • 127-D-2 Threatening suicide
    • 127-B-1 Past attempted suicide
    • 127-B-2 Past threatening suicide
    • 127-Ω-1 Information
    • 127-Ω-2 Referral
      • Suffixes: C=Club, E=Explosive, G=Gun, K=Knife, O=Other
  • Protocol 128: Supplemental
    • 128-B-1 Suspect
    • 128-B-2 Evidence
    • 128-A-1 Weapons
    • 128-A-2 Vehicle
    • 128-A-3 Items
    • 128-A-4 Other information
    • 128-Ω-1 Referral
  • Protocol 129: Suspicious/Wanted
  • Protocol 130: Theft/Larceny
  • Protocol 131: Traffic/Transportation Accident (Crash)
    • 131-E-1 Sinking vehicle
  • Protocol 132: Traffic Violation/Complaint/Hazard
  • Protocol 133: Trespassing/Unwanted
  • Protocol 134: Unknown (3rd Party)
    • 134-E-1 Immediate life threat
    • 134-E-2 Person in danger (no immediate life threat)
    • 134-D-1 Unknown (3rd party)
    • 134-Ω-1 Information
    • 134-Ω-2 Referral
  • Protocol 135: Weapons/Firearms
    • 135-E-1 Immediate life threat
    • 135-E-2 Person in danger (no immediate life threat)
    • 135-D-1 Display (with suspect)
    • 135-D-2 Shots fired (with suspect)
    • 135-C-1 Shots fired (suspect not seen)
    • 135-C-2 Carrying concealed weapon
    • 135-B-1 Past weapons incident
    • 135-B-2 Past shots fired (suspect not seen)
    • 135-Ω-1 Information
    • 135-Ω-2 Referral
      • Suffixes: C=Club, E=Explosive, G=Gun, K=Knife, O=Other
  • Protocol 136: Active Assailant (Shooter)

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